
Changing Perpectives At Home and Abroad

This May, I studied abroad on Pitt’s Engineering Perspectives of the Renaissance and Sustainability: Florence program. Studying abroad was such a unique experience that was so different from anything I’ve ever done before. The studies on this program focused on the advancements in engineering that were made during the Renaissance time period and looked at how different sustainability concepts were present during that time. We also took an art history course that introduced us to the amazing art that was made during the Renaissance, as well as some of the incredible architecture.

A Day in Florence

I had class Monday through Thursday from 9:00am to 1:20pm. My roommates and I would wake up every morning and walk to school together. Our school was on the other side of the city, so we were able to walk over the Ponte Vecchio every day and experience that view. Something I loved about studying abroad through the AIFS program was that they offered breakfast and dinner vouchers that could be redeemed at various local cafes and restaurants. These vouchers lasted me the entirety of my stay, so I was able to save money on food.

Home Sweet Home by the Duomo

The housing for my specific program was all apartments. My program leaders saw it as a way to fully immerse us into the culture and lifestyle of Italy, so we lived in apartments all across Florence. I had 7 roommates, which was the most that one could have. At first this overwhelmed me, as I had never lived with a roommate before—much less 7 strangers. When we arrived in Florence, we stayed at a hotel the first night while our apartments were being prepared for our arrival. It was there that I met 2 of my eventual roommates, and we instantly got along very well.

Classroom Italian Edition

I decided to take a painting course while studying abroad in Florence, Italy. I have always been interested in creating art, but I never felt like I had the opportunity to pursue it. My class was small—less than 20 students—and we were all on an introductory level. On the first day, the professor took us out of the studio and into the city to buy our own art supplies. While it is typical to purchase your own textbooks in college classes, it was a new experience to go out with my classmates and buy what we needed for the class; it almost felt like a field trip.

3 Tips to Save Money While Studying Abroad

It’s no secret that studying abroad can be expensive. Even after the tuition and the program fees, figuring out how to keep track of and save money on your daily expenses while actually living abroad is essential. Here are a few budgeting tips that I picked up from my time in Florence, Italy on the Pitt in Florence program to help you save some money when studying abroad without sacrificing your experience. 

From Art to Language: My Academic Experience in Florence

As a double major in English Writing and Linguistics preparing for my upcoming junior year, my classes back at Pitt were really starting to focus on my majors, with not a ton of variety outside those two disciplines. In contrast, my goal when picking a study abroad program was to find a program that would allow me to fulfill the rest of my general education requirements and try something new. One of my remaining gen-eds was the Geographic Region requirement - what better way to learn about a geographic region than to experience it firsthand?

An Inside (and Outside) Look at my Florence Apartment

“Home away from home.” 
I feel like I heard this phrase a hundred times when I was preparing to study abroad, watching videos and reading blogs just like this one, and I was more than a bit nervous. How was I supposed to find home in Italy when home would be a literal ocean away? These doubts swirled in my head as I made my way across the Atlantic and through the Tuscan countryside, but when I first stepped into my apartment in Florence, my nerves began to subside.

ISA Programs

ISA is a study abroad provider that has been approved by the University of Pittsburgh. You can learn more about ISA here.

The programs and locations below have been vetted to ensure that they meet the health, safety, security and academic standards that Pitt requires. 

AIFS Programs

AIFS Abroad is a study abroad provider that has been approved by the University of Pittsburgh. You can learn more about AIFS Abroad here.

The programs and locations below have been vetted to ensure that they meet the health, safety, security and academic standards that Pitt requires. 

Pitt in Florence - Summer

Florence is the ideal setting to spend the summer studying in one of the most historic, cultural and beautiful cities in the world. The city is filled with cobblestone streets, open-air markets, unique food experiences, artistic masterpieces, stunning architecture. This program is designed for students of all majors interested in: Italian language, culture, studio arts, art history, psychology, and more.  You will take 2 courses (6 or 7 credits - depending on the courses that you select) on this 6-week long program.  No previous Italian language experience is necessary.