
Essential Apps for Study Abroad

When starting your study abroad adventure, there is often an overload of adjustments and protocols. Between regular arrival procedures and orientation meetings, you also have to purchase a phone plan or a track phone for international use. In order to make your transition abroad as smooth as can be, here is a list of some useful apps you can use while adjusting to your new destination (and as an additional perk, they’re all free!).


Tips to Combat Homesickness

Studying abroad is definitely one of the most exciting experiences a student can embark on, but once the initial excitement wears off, many students are plagued by homesickness. While these feelings are totally normal and to be expected, they can inhibit you from getting the most out of your abroad experience! Listed below are some expert tips on how to beat homesickness:

How To Not Be An Obnoxious American

When studying and living abroad, it can both exciting and intimidating to acclimate to a new culture. Sometimes, it may seem impossible not to stick out like a bald eagle in your host country. Below are tips from actual, seasoned study abroad alums, shared in the hopes that you may be spared our past mistakes:
  1. Be quiet on public transportation. Most of these people are commuting to work or class, and are trying to prepare for the day. They do not care about how “your life has been changed by gelato on every corner.”