
Comparative Health Issues: Within Health Care Systems (Global Seminar in Buenos Aires)


This three-credit research-focused study abroad opportunity is meant to engage and encourage cross-disciplinary learning between business and nursing undergraduate students at the University of Pittsburgh. The academic focus of this experiential course is an introduction to healthcare management contextualized by globalization. Built upon a comparative, multidisciplinary framework, this course addresses conflicts between economic and clinical priorities, associated health disparities, and the variability in services and outcomes while providing students with a broad perspective on the distinctive healthcare systems in the hemisphere—specifically between those operating in Argentina and the United States. Plus3 Argentina is offered as a follow-up to the CBA course Managing in Complex Environments (BUSSPP 0020) or Introduction to Professional Nursing (NUR 0051). The course is conducted through pre-departure lectures and discussion sessions and a required trip abroad to tour local and multi-national healthcare organizations, attend lectures, and visit cultural sites.  

Disaster Relief and Response in Oregon


This study away/abroad course is designed for students to develop not only a comprehensive understanding and practical foundation for nursing of the causes, mitigation, and response to disasters, but also insight into the disaster management system locally and/or internationally. The course will be held internationally and within the United States. Lecture content targets information central to emergency preparedness, disaster planning and response, weapons of mass destruction, and mass casualty care.
Objectives include:

  • Understand the elements of disaster preparation and response
  • Recognize the cultural and behavioral dimensions of health within the context of disasters in the local setting
  • Demonstrate critical thinking in awareness, preparation, and application of disaster response and management on a personal, local, and international level
  • Understand the implementation of evidence-based, holistic, and cost effective planning for disaster and mass casualty situations
  • Understand the global burden of disasters and its effect on social determinants of health, disease, and health disparities
  • Discuss ethical dilemmas encountered in disaster settings

Healthcare Delivery at St. Regis Mohawk


This course is designed to provide the undergraduate (nursing) student with exposure to an American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) culture and health care delivery system. Emphasis will be placed on exploring health issues and risk factors, the impact of cultural characteristics on health disparity, health outcomes, and health care delivery and utilization, and the achievement of health-related goals. 

Global Perspective on Nursing and Midwifery History


This course will explore the development of nursing practice from the perspectives of medical, nursing, and midwifery history. Students will explore the impacts of social change, evolving attitudes to care, and the role of the Enlightenment, French Revolution, and American Independence, as well as the transition from Agrarian to Industrial Society in shaping nursing care; consider contributions made by Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole, and Mrs Bedford-Fenwick to nursing practice; examine the effect of religion, philosophy, ethics, law, sociology, and economics on clinical practice and the professional role and practice of nurses and midwives; and reflect on related historical changes.

Healthcare Delivery in China


This 3-credit course is designed to provide the undergraduate nursing student with exposure to the culture and health care delivery system in a foreign country.  Emphasis will be placed on exploring health issues and risk factors, the impact of cultural characteristics on health care delivery and utilization, and the achievement of health-related goals in China.  Students will compare the healthcare systems, nursing education and nursing practice in China and the United States. They will identify national and international health-related organizations in China and the mission of and roles these institutions play. 

Health Care and Nursing Science in Switzerland


Minimum Credits: 3
Maximum Credits: 3
This course is designed to provide the undergraduate nursing student with exposure to the culture and health care delivery and nursing education in a foreign country. Emphasis will be placed upon comparing the culture, health care delivery, and nursing education in Switzerland and the United States, and in exploring the purpose and functions of the United Nations (UN), the International Council of Nursing (ICN), and the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva. Lectures and presentations will be provided by Swiss faculty in English, and clinical observations will be made in the hospital and community with Swiss nurses.
Academic Career: Undergraduate
Course Component: Seminar
Grade Component: Letter Grade