Timing and Deadlines

When do I need to start planning my trip?

We recommend that you begin planning your global experience no later than one full academic year prior to your anticipated departure.  Ideally, you will begin planning to study abroad during your first year of study at the University of Pittsburgh.  The earlier you start, the easier it is to find courses to fit your academic plans. You can best prepare by researching our programs to find the right choice for you, talking to our peer advisors, program managers, and meeting with your academic advisors.

Does participating in a global experience affect my graduation date?

Generally, participating in a global experience does not affect your graduation date as long as you plan carefully and select a program that meets your academics needs. If you plan on participating in a global experience during your final term, you should know that your official graduation will most likely be delayed by one semester due to the time it takes for our office to receive your grades and transcripts.  Get in touch with a member of our staff for more information.

Can I participate in a global experience during my final year at Pitt?

Generally, you can participate in a global experience during your final term.  However, there are a few things to know: You must receive permission from the Dean of your school or college to do so.  This form is available as a part of your global experience application. Your graduation will most likely be delayed by one semester due to the time it takes for our office to receive your grades and/or transcripts.