Lessons from London

Avni Nangia, Global Business Institute: London Summer 2022

Having completed my study abroad program in London and coming back home, I have had time to reflect on my experiences while abroad and how they have influenced not only my professional development, but my academic and personal growth as well. Before going on this program, I had hoped to be able to learn more about what business looked like internationally and be able to bring what I learned back with me and use it in future academic and professional endeavors. I believe that this experience allowed me to accomplish that and more. It has also given me an insight into what I would like my future to look like and the kind of work that I would like to pursue. Taking part in this internship showed me a different aspect of the finance world and I was able to learn a lot through the tasks and responsibilities I was given. I was able to get a clearer idea of my career goals and what all I would like to accomplish in the future as well as how to get there. Going to work and class in London taught me a lot about the culture in the workplace and in the classroom and I felt myself getting further integrated into it as the weeks went on. This was not only personal development for me, but professional as well. I was able to learn about adjusting to new and unfamiliar situations and how to integrate myself as seamlessly as possible into these situations and how to not let it affect my productivity, which is a crucial professional skill to have for the workplace.
Now that it is almost time to go back to Pittsburgh and for classes to start again, I am excited to bring the lessons that I have learned and the experiences that I have had back with me and use them to grow even more. I have been able to learn so many new things and develop unique perspectives on the business world as well as form new ideas that I am hoping to be able to bring forward with me in my academic, professional, and personal journeys. My time during this program flew by and I wish that I was able to stay in London longer, but I can confidently say that studying abroad was one of the best decisions that I could have made for myself and my future.
