Renáta Kamenárová

Dr. Renáta Kamenárová, a native of Žilina, Slovakia, is a specialist in foreign language instruction with over 17 years of experience in university education. She is a lecturer affiliated with the School of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava. She served in the SAS (Studia Academica Slovaca - Center for Slovak as a Foreign Language) program for ten years and is the lead author of Krížom-krážom, a popular 4-book series of Slovak language textbooks for foreigners, and co-authored the distance learning course Other affiliations include the University of Bologna in Forli, Italy (2012-2016) where she developed the Slovak language curriculum for interpreters and translators and Columbia University, for which she developed a Slovak language proficiency test last year. She lives in Windham, NH, where she teaches and promotes Slovak language at the Czech and Slovak Association in Boston, and is working on a comprehensive teacher’s manual for the Krížom-krážom series.
