Competing Perspectives on Global Water Policy: From the United States to Central Asia

This course provides undergraduate students interested in the fields of Environmental Studies, Business, Law, Engineering, Public Policy and other areas with a first-hand experience of the global impact of contemporary developments in the water policy sector. Competing Perspectives on Global Water Policy will introduce students to the role of governmental and non-governmental organizations managing water equity, enabling them to study interconnections between policy, law, economics, and culture related to the environment. Students will develop a portfolio of varied writing samples to use in applications for graduate programs and careers in policy while also creating their network of experts and organizations influential to the shaping of water and environmental policy in the U.S., Central Asia, and globally. This course is open to undergraduate and non-PITT students. Coursework may count towards certificates provided by the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, the Global Studies Center, and the Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation.

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