What are the different types of programs?

We have five different types of programs that we offer, and each one is a bit different.

Panther Programs: developed and run by Pitt Global Experiences in connection with Pitt faculty.  Grades factor into your GPA and you are billed by Pitt.

Study Away: Panther Programs that take place within the US or Canada

Partner Programs: overseas partners.  Like Panther Programs without Pitt Faculty.  Grades factor into your GPA and you are billed by Pitt.

Exchange Programs: one to one relationships with overseas partners.  Tuition is billed by Pitt, housing in on your own.  Grades do not factor into your GPA.

Pitt-Recognized Programs: approved programs from other organizations.  Pay your host organization directly.  Grades do not factor into your GPA.

More information is here.